Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It begins.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or something.

I sleep with my cell phone next to my bed. When the alarm went off at the wretched time of 5am, I sleepily reached over and glanced at my email. BAM. Instant awake. In my inbox was a message from the principal at Patch HS, telling me I was selected for the drama position I interviewed for last week.

Holy crap. That's all I could think.

Holy crap.

So it begins. New adventures await. The next two and a half years, at least, will involve teaching and a metric butt-load of epic European travel.

I plan to blog said adventures and include lots of pictures for you folks back home. Teh internets will make it seem like I am much closer than I will physically be. I plan to get a video camera so I can phone home and see and be seen. And I promise to take full advantage of this opportunity and tell you all about it. With pictures. Deal?


  1. ummmm...hello!!! credit for the vacation day it took for you to get the offer? you're welcome. :)

    seriously linds...i'm SO excited for you. i'm already sad that you're going to be far...but also already ready to visit.

    can't wait to get the updates on your newest adventure....

  2. Yeah, get a Skype account and you can use video and chat for free from Germany! My laptop is from 2005 so I don't have a camera on it, but I will get one so we can chat!
