Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So it looks like it is an official done deal, pending a physical examination.

I have sent in all of my paperwork. I have crossed the t's and dotted the i's.

Apparently, I will be receiving a FedEx package this week with all of the info on next steps, etc.

I have posted my house for rent on CL. Cross your fingers and your toes! I probably need to go buy a sign to stick in the front yard, as well.

I am afraid to make a to-do list. I don't even know where to begin... Whew!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stuck in a holding pattern...

So not much has happened in the past week or so. I got an email from the principal last week. She apologized for the delay and said that she needed to start the paperwork approval process over again. Somehow HR screwed up and the process needed to be restarted. She said hopefully I should hear from HR in the next week or two... Waiting, waiting, waiting. There is so much I have to do, but nothing I can do until the paperwork goes through and I see an offer in writing. So we wait.

My roommates are all packed up and will be out in two weeks. Then it will be up to me to find renters, get everything packed up and put on a boat. I'm still not sure what to do with the dogs, or me, once I am homeless.

So many unknowns. My inner project manager is freaking out a little. But I always work best under pressure and am the High Queen of Procrastination. So it's all good.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Start Spreading the News...

So the cat is pretty much out of the bag, at this point. All of my family knows. The vast majority of my friends know, even those long-distance, thanks to Facebook. The worst, by far, was telling my beautiful, amazing, brilliant, fabulous 7 year old niece. That was very, very difficult but I am relieved it is done. She was very upset, as was I, but it's okay to be sad about it. Leaving is rarely easy.

The only one I haven't told yet is my current principal. I am waiting until I have had a chance to look over the actual offer paperwork, which I haven't received yet. Not really looking forward to that one, either. I love my school, love my kids, love my co-workers. They have been so welcoming and friendly. I hate to leave such a great place. But I can't pass this one up.

I have so much to do. Not even sure where to begin. I need to get a check-list going because I don't want to forget all of the millions of things I need to do in the next two months. UGH!!!

But for now, it's time for bed.

The Jennifer Connection

Good things happen to me when Jenni McShane is not at work.

I'm not sure why, but all of the crazy things that happen to me happen when she is on a cruise, out of town, or recovering from ACL.

I told her that she needs to take a week off so I can meet a wonderful man, get married and have babies. A week of vacation for her should do nicely. ;-)

She took Monday off and that's when I got my offer. I can't remember the other details of what happened when, but Jenni's absence at work means good things for me.

Jenni, tell me when your next day off is so I can go buy a lottery ticket. Seriously.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It begins.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or something.

I sleep with my cell phone next to my bed. When the alarm went off at the wretched time of 5am, I sleepily reached over and glanced at my email. BAM. Instant awake. In my inbox was a message from the principal at Patch HS, telling me I was selected for the drama position I interviewed for last week.

Holy crap. That's all I could think.

Holy crap.

So it begins. New adventures await. The next two and a half years, at least, will involve teaching and a metric butt-load of epic European travel.

I plan to blog said adventures and include lots of pictures for you folks back home. Teh internets will make it seem like I am much closer than I will physically be. I plan to get a video camera so I can phone home and see and be seen. And I promise to take full advantage of this opportunity and tell you all about it. With pictures. Deal?